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Guilford Sound
(802) 254-4511

David Snyder
Owner / Engineer

Cynthia Larsen (Booking)
Studio Manager

Matt Hall
Engineer / Production Assistant

“Private, comfortable, relaxing, great atmosphere for creativity, beautiful, amazing gear, wonderful management and staff, and just an overall spectacular experience.”

Daren Barker

“Truly a magical environment. When at Guilford Sound, the outside world ceases to exist, allowing one to reach the deepest depths of their spirit and really get inside of the music.”

Tucker Corry

“Moxley Union feels truly blessed to have the Guilford Sound experience. Dave, Matt and Silas are altogether highly talented, creative and kind individuals. This place is magic.”

Tristan Bellerive

“I love this studio. The people, the atmosphere, everything is conducive for a creative experience. LOVE YA!”

Timothy James King Jr.